Zeugnis in English - Verein VORNE

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Zeugnis in English

Pompejische Novene > Kinder-Hof-Rosenkranz


"No unused suffering –A worldwide apostolate of coredeeming suffering and prayer"
On Pentecost Sunday morning a small, blond girl from Poland was pushed in a stroller by her mother to the image of the Mother of All Nations. Madzia gave such a touching testimony that many people cried. Fr. Paul Maria Sigl, who led the program, introduced the severely handicapped girl:
Madzia is 16 years old and is one of those children who normally, after medical advice, is aborted. Madzia shows
in a unique way that each child is a gift from God that has to be treasured and loved from the first moment of its existence. Yes, even way more! Her life proves that
a handicapped child is a blessing for the family and
the whole of mankind.

When Madzia was born, she was so severely handicapped and disfigured that the doctors permitted the mother of this newly born child to take her home only at her own risk. Since her first light of day, pain has been Madzia’s daily companion. She has no bones whatsoever below her knees. Already in the first years of her life, the little one’s spine and bones broke so often that she had to lie repeatedly
for months on end with her arms stretched out
in a plaster form.

Yet what God was doing simultaneously in this suffering child amazed her parents. She never complained, and she bore painful operations silently, gazing at the image of the Jesus of Divine Mercy with the Rosary beads in her hands. Through inner enlightenment, Madzia understood deeply the infinite value of pain and how precious it is when offered up, united with Jesus’s suffering.
This young girl explained the coredemptive value
of suffering to her mother Pelagia. She had not known this until then and understood more and more what a special gift God gave to her in her daughter. Once, Madzia lost so much blood that her mother thought, "Now she will die."
As if reading her mother’s thoughts, Madzia said convincingly, "Mama there is no need to worry, I am not going to die. I have a task to fulfill." She was actually very much inspired at the age of ten when playing with her friends in the courtyard. Instead of joining the gang the children wanted to form, Madzia founded a so-called ‘Rosary Court’. Thousands of Rosary Courts have formed
to this day.

Madzia will now speak from her heart in her typically spirited manner about what moves her and what she understands interiorly as being important for us.
I greet very warmly all of you who have come to this Day
of Prayer to honor the Lady of All Nations. I am very happy to be able to be among you. Fr. Paul already introduced me and now I would like to say the following to you.
Since the age of three, I pray the Rosary and cannot imagine a day going by without this prayer because Our Lady gives me the strength to persevere in my suffering through praying the Rosary. I cannot walk and have had
29 fractures up to now. Since my birth, I suffer from
a fragile bone syndrome. I want to offer up each suffering to God and Our Lady and to accept it with love and joy because this suffering is necessary for the conversion
of sinners and for peace to reign in the world.
There are many who do not accept their cross, their suffering, and therefore rebel against God. However, through suffering we become similar to Christ, to Him who suffered so much for us in order to redeem us.
Our ailments are small in comparison to the suffering that Jesus took upon himself out of love for each one of us.
Every single one of you here is suffering in some way or another, be it physically or spiritually, with problems or difficulties for which, perhaps, there is no solution from
a purely human point of view. Yet, when we believe in God and entrust ourselves, our whole lives, all that we are to God, he will enable us to carry these difficulties better—yes, even with joy and love in our hearts.
I know that this is not easy. Yet when things are going wrong, when we are weak and have the feeling the whole world has let us down, exactly then we should begin to pray. Let us take the Rosary in our hands and unite our suffering with Jesus’ suffering and Our Lady’s suffering.
We will then find it easier to bear our suffering because Jesus himself will help us to carry the cross on the way
of the cross in our personal lives. God is waiting for us; resurrection and eternal happiness are awaiting us at the end of this way of the cross. Therefore, we should not want to get rid of our cross but rather carry it enduringly, following Jesus’ example. When we persevere, we will reach the true happiness which the world cannot give.
God alone can give it if we go on the way of holiness, praying and persevering.
Our Lady has asked in various places in the world,
"Pray the Rosary, pray it persistently every day!"
Also today, the Mother of the Lord calls on us, irrespective of age, sex and background to, "Pray the Rosary, pray it persistently every day!" This prayer is a great gift and at the same time a big grace and calling that we have received from God through Mary for these difficult times.
We can unite our prayers with the one Our Lady gave in Amsterdam. She entrusted this prayer to us here and we are called upon to pray it every day. Therefore I am asking you to consecrate yourselves to Mary here in this holy place where she came. Let us offer up our hearts, our lives and our families, our nations and the whole world to Mary since we represent different nations from around the world. All are children of Our Lady who invites us to consecrate ourselves to her. She will lead us through prayer, the Rosary, in the simplest and shortest way to her Son, so that we will love and imitate him more and more, and recognize and become more similar to him.
May each one of us say to Our Lady, "I want to be your Apostle, an Apostle of the Rosary and the messages of Amsterdam." Let us carry her to the remotest parts of the world, to all nations.
We all have to go to Our Lady so as to come closer to Christ. But we should not just go to Mary but rather lead others through the Rosary to her, those who are far from God, those who are lost on their path of life. By our example, by our love to God and Mary, we have to lead all the lost sheep back to her as we see in the image of the Mother of All Nations. When this has been achieved the world will change. Then peace, joy and love will reign.
In order to achieve this Mary needs every single one of us. We may not say, "We do not need to pray!" or "Someone else is praying for us." No, not so! Mary calls on each one
of us! Without our help through prayer the world cannot change! Therefore Our Lady continually asks us to pray.
Yet since we are still deaf, we are not corresponding and are lacking courage and perseverance. But do not be afraid of the Rosary! Try praying one decade to start with. It only takes five minutes. That is so little! Yet how much it can do for an individual, families and nations! We must become Knights of Our Lady who fight against evil, against Satan, with two weapons: the Rosary and love.
Let us, therefore, win all people for the Rosary!
May children win their parents, brothers and sisters their grandparents, and boyfriends their girlfriends. And the other way around too, parents should also lead their children to prayer. There should not be a person on earth who does not know God and Our Lady and who does not pray the Rosary. This is our task, our mission to fulfill.
We have to hurry since we do not have much time!
We have to get to work right away! When you are at home with your families again, start praying the Rosary!
Our Lady says when the Rosary is prayed in the family, there will be peace, joy and unity.
Take the Rosary beads in your hand and pray it in the evening when everyone is at home so that the fruit of peace may come! This is very important nowadays in order to save families. The world has become estranged from God. It only depends on itself and not on God. Yet we cannot do anything without God. He gives us life, freedom, everything! Let us open ourselves for his great love!
I really hope that after this meeting with the Lady of All Nations, you will spread the nicest, most wonderful and
at the same time simplest prayer, the Rosary. In your countries you may be "Apostles of Our Lady in your surroundings", so that the Rosary Court will emerge all over your countries. They already exist in 27 countries on all the continents with 116,000 members. This is a great number. Yet more people who pray are needed for the world
to be redeemed.
As Fr. Paul mentioned that Padre Pio spoke about five million children who could redeem the world by praying the Rosary. Gather all your strength! Mobilize, it is possible to reach five million children who pray the Rosary. We have to spread the prayer in our families, among friends,
at home, at school, at work, in the Court and on playgrounds-everywhere where you are. Look, I would not be here without the Rosary! My mother consecrated me to Our Lady. That is why I am alive. I am here with you today by the Lady of All Nations to thank her for being her child and for daily experiencing her care and love and for being able to serve her and spread her cause throughout
the whole world.
Now I have just one request of you dear parents who are gathered here: If you have not already consecrated your children to Our Lady, please do it here and now.
Entrust your children’s lives to your mother, at the feet of the Lady of All Nations, so that she will lead your children. The children and youth are the future of our countries.
If from their childhood onwards they grow up in prayer and in an atmosphere of love for Jesus and Our Lady, they will be different. They will become apostles of Mary and Jesus in today’s world, and the world will change. We pray for this through the intercession of the Lady of All Nations.
To finish up I would like to ask you a question that you really have to answer: Do you want to help Our Lady and take responsibility for the world in a coredemptive way by praying at least one decade of the Rosary every day?
I hope that this applause is an expression of your consent.
Our Lady takes you at your word now! You must not let her down! Pray with joy and love every day, pray recollected and in silence! It is so important to pray with your heart because every prayer is a conversation with God, our best friend and with Mary, our best mother. We can entrust to them everything that weighs us down, hurts us and also what makes us happy. Our Lady takes care of our difficulties and brings them before God’s throne.
Believe me, Our Lady works great miracles through praying the Rosary. The Rosary’s power is great and each of you who begins to pray will experience this. You will become better, more full of joy and changed somehow or other. Mary will lead you and give you the graces that you need for your daily routine. I will also think of you in my prayers so that you will learn to love Mary and the Rosary.
May the Lady of All Nations gather us people from so many nations around her so that we may come to know God’s great love for each individual. May we all find a place under her mantel in spite of our different backgrounds
and languages.
I am much obliged for being invited to this wonderful
Day of Prayer in honor of the Mother and Lady of All Nations in Amsterdam and for being able to be present. May the applause be for Jesus and his mother.

This entry was posted in Amsterdam 2004 by Editor.
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